Tuesday, August 30, 2011

wepon car

This car has 2 missiles on its side and an rotating laser gun. It's saw helps it get through thick bushes, and its arms help it carry stuff. You might see the 2 propellers on the back of the car, and yes it can go underwater.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Cutin Cati Cafe' & their airplane

Your stranded in the middle of the desert and suddenly you see a restaurant. You start to think you are delirious but you look again and you still see it. Yep, what you saw was the Cutin Cati Cafe' they serve drinks, burgers, and you can eat outside with a radio. I don't know what they use there airplane for but if you want to know, ask them. :)

The Stubborn Rock Monster Destroyer

This baby is known to leave rock monsters tied up or blown to smithereens. It was made from one of the Power Miner sets. You move the cockpit to push the bomb out to blow up those stubborn things.

The Underground Train

This set was made from another set that i took apart. It's not the greatest but it's okay. The cars purpose is to deliver things to far away miners in record time. it also has a bike if anything goes wrong. the front is made to avoid blowing up if anything gets in its way.

Friday, August 12, 2011

The Unofficial Lego Builders Guide

What I will write on this blog will be mostly about Lego. (it is actually the reason i am doing this blog) anyway, i have finished reading a book called The Unofficial Lego Builder's Gide and it was really good. It gives you tips for building and tells you a little about the pieces. It has a brickopedia at the end of the book that talks about almost 250 pieces. He also tells you about graphs that he uses to plan his sets. His website is called; www.apotome.com There you can get directions to sets that he built, you can also download his graphs, and lots more! well that is all i can tell you about this book, if you are a Lego fan, than this is a book that I recommend you should read.