Monday, August 20, 2012

Angry Birds

 Sorry that I haven't posted in a while, busy and all. Well, that's the past, but for now, the present. Earlier this year, I got some sculpy clay from a craft store and made all kinds of small angry birds. I   put them in categorized pictures so you can see them better
These were my first ones. This was before I had black so I used gray and gold.

These were made many different days.

Here are the space birds. It took me a while before I can make the blue ones because I didn't have that blue I sculpy.

The blue bird with the silver eyes was one of my firsts. I am needing to make the third one.

I decided to play around with some. the silver one here is the green bird in space. And the gold one is the egg-dropping bird. that's me in the background. :P

These are all the ones that broke. :( For instance, The space bomb bird's fire cracked off so I had to glue it. The mustache pig is missing an ear. The king pig's jewels on its crown are missing etc.
So here are all my birds. I will be making some more soon and be glad to show them on my blog.
Till next time.


Monday, June 11, 2012

Powerful Generator

Here are all the pieces you NEED.
     When my brother came back from his trip he gave me a box of cool looking bricks, and from that I made a Generator. Since it was small I decided  to make directions on how to make it. So, let's get started.

Start on the base

Add these on
Put 2 more on top

Add crates
cover the crates up
Add details
Add more details
Plants for camouflage


Start on something else

Power rod
Base lights

Connect it

Add orange slant piece

Add something else

Put that on

These are mini power generators

Put them in

Move plants to keep mini generators in place

And now it's all done

Now that you have a generator, use it for all needs; recharging your space blaster; storing something in the crates; power factories and lots more. Use different colors to make it look better. Enjoy!!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Movable Battle Lab

When I took two Power Miners sets apart and made a big one, I made this out of leftover pieces. There is 2 guns on the front for protection, 2 missiles on the sides to destroy those rock monsters. and a laser on the back "Just in case their were tailgaters." There is a bench to rest on. Motorcycle in case of emergencies, and a chute for another vehicle to send crystals into the lab for testing. That's pretty much it. Please leave a comment or question and I will try to answer you. Thank you and have a nice day. 

Friday, March 16, 2012

Jungle Tank

This tank is one of my best inventions. On each side is a Technic Lego pieces so that people inside can shoot their guns. Behind that is the engine. On the front where the driver is, there is two plate pieces to protect him when people are shooting. The top has two lights a 13" gun and a AA gun (Anti Aircraft) And because it is a jungle tank is has two buzz saws on front.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Soccer Field

Once a year, the soccer teams face off on this field. This field is one of the best of its kind. There is walls to keep the ball rolling out, a chute for the referee to hit the ball in, and some nice wide goals.
behind the wall people can watch the game.

Thank you for reading, see you in my next post.
Hint: Transportation